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Chen Hongbo, COO Meets with a Delegation from Taiwan Scientific Research InstitutionsPrint

Post Time:2014-11-24来源:Tus-Holdings

On November 21, led by Mr. Chen Dexin, Special Senior Consultant of Taiwan Industrial Technology Research Institute (TITRI), a delegation composed of experts from TITRI, National Experiment Research Institution and Administration Bureau of Science Parks in Middle and South Taiwan visited TusPark. Mr. Chen Hongbo, Deputy Head of Tsinghua University TusPark Research Institute for Innovation and Executive Vice President of Tus Holdings warmly received the delegation and both sides helda conference.

In the conference, on behalf of Tus Holdings, Mr. Chen Hongbo extended a sincere welcome to the delegation. Then he briefed the development history and operation mode of TusPark and Tus Holdings, shared the successful cases of TusPark in business establishment training, enterprise incubation and commercialization of research findings. Mr. Chen had a very high compliment of the achievement made by Tus Holdings in managing TusPark.

During the meeting, both sides had a warm discussion on the profitability mode of a science park, incentive for the commercialization of research findings and the construction of industrial research. Both agreed that the exchange could promote expanding the research approach, conducting comparative research and borrowing method. They hoped that the conference could be a good start and expected that both sides could deepen understanding, conduct further exchange and cooperation, find more exchangepoints for development, realize more interaction and mutual support, seek common development.

Wang Hongtao, Head Assistant of Tsinghua University Tuspark Research Institute for Innovation, Sun Man, Vice Director of Marketing Development of Tus Holdings, Miao Chun, Senior Manager of Technological Assets Operation Center and others from the PR department participated in the meeting.