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TusStar Launches “GO ASEAN Tech Innovation Summit”Print

Post Time:2021-08-08来源:chinanews.com

Kuala Lumpar (August 7, 2021) - “GO ASEAN Tech Innovation Summit” kicks off online today. People from all walks of life in Malaysia are drawn to the event and show their great expectations on the tech innovation cooperation between China and Malaysia.


Xu Ningning, Executive Director of China-ASEAN Business Council, pointed out at the opening ceremony of the summit that digital economic cooperation is a key area of cooperation between China and ASEAN to drive innovation-led development in the future and entrepreneurs from both sides should actively participate in advancing digital economic cooperation. He suggested that Chinese and ASEAN entrepreneurs should actively participate in the “Silk Road E-commerce” initiative to speed up the development of digital commerce; that China and ASEAN should jointly seize the new opportunities brought by RCEP, focus on the implementation of industrial cooperation in a practical manner; that both parties should make full use of the important bridges of China-ASEAN Expo and China-ASEAN Business Council Investment Summit for cooperation; actively cultivate international talents in economics, law, management etc., and improve international cooperation capabilities.


Wu Tianquan, President of the Chinese Federation of Malaysia, expresses his hope that the summit can serve as an effective and responsive platform for entrepreneurs from China and ASEAN countries, especially those engaged in the tech innovation, to promote exchanges and understanding between the two sides and explore and open up more new opportunities.


Li Taikang, the Chief Executive Officer of Malaysia-China Business Council also said that China is Malaysia’s largest trading partner and the Malaysian industries have high hopes for the future cooperation in the field of tech innovation between the two countries and the Southeast Asia region. According to Mr. Li, the tech innovation enterprises have emerged in the ASEAN region in recent years and some of them have even grown in the ranks of unicorns, which fully demonstrates that Southeast Asia has great potential in promoting the digital economy and develop tech innovation. In particular, Malaysia enjoys an advantaged geographical location, a diversified social environment, rich natural resources, a pool of young talents, and a mature business system, and the country can become the best place to settle for new high tech enterprises to go global. Mr Li suggested that Malaysia and China should strengthen tech innovation R&D and investment activities in the future; that Malaysia should build on the complementarity of the two countries in the field of tech innovation to enhance the exchanges with China in related fields and promote business growth; and that the higher education community in the two countries should deepen cooperation and create an academic environment that is conducive to young entrepreneurs.


The “GO ASEAN Tech Innovation Summit” is part of the 2021 China-ASEAN Tech Innovation Events initiated by TusStar, an incubation platform under the umbrella of TusHoldings, a well-known Chinese technology service group. The event, which is set to extend through the month of August, consists of the Tech Innovation Summit, keynote speeches, high-end dialogues, roundtable discussions, corporate visits, business matching etc. Zhang Jinsheng, Chairman of TusStar, said that this year marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of a dialogue partnership between China and ASEAN. TusStar, which has built up multiple tech innovation bases around the world, hopes that the series of scientific and technological innovation activities carried out in he context of the new epidemic situation can create a better innovation environment for small-, medium- and micro-sized enterprises and help Chinese enterprises enter Southeast Asia and better contact with local enterprises and talents, create a favorable environment for tech innovation and a better communication environment for innovative entrepreneurs in the ASEAN region.


Original title: China - ASEAN Tech Innovation Summit Takes Place and Malaysian Industries Have Great Expectations on China - Malaysia Cooperation in Tech Innovation.