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Official Settling of the First Domestic Venture Base of the Tsinghua x-lab in NanjingPrint

Post Time:2013-08-12来源:

Recently, the first domestic venture base of the Tsinghua x-lab was officially launched in TusPark (Nanjing) inside the Kirin Sci-tech Innovation Park. After the unveiling ceremony, over 40 students from the Tsinghua University who would start business with specific projects visited TusPark Low-carbon Intelligent Industrial Park Exhibition Center and Kirin Sci-tech Innovation Park, to learn more about Nanjing’s policies on how to support innovative ventures.

The Tsinghua x-lab is an educational platform for the Tsinghua University to break through the disciplinary boundaries, find creative and innovative entrepreneurial talents and bring up leaders for future industries. According to introduction of Mao Donghui (executive director of the Tsinghua x-lab), led by the Tsinghua SEM, this platform is jointly built by 11 schools of this university including the School of Information Science and Technology. Ever since its inception in the April of this year, the Tsinghua x-lab has become a matter of public concern among the domestic innovative ventures. Up to now, over 40 nationally famous and successful entrepreneurs and investors have become EiR and AiR here, and over 70 innovative venture projects have been launched here.

Ever since the decision to "make Nanjing a city powered by talents and technological innovation” is made, the policies on how to greatly promote the technological innovation ventures including the "1+8" Policy System, the “Nine Policies on Technological Innovation”, the “Seven Entrepreneurial Strategies” and the “Nanjing 321 Plan" have been launched one after another to attract a large number of new graduates from the Tsinghua University, to start business in Nanjing every year. The founding of the Nanjing venture base of the Tsinghua x-lab will become an overall support for the Nanjing innovative ventures done by the current teachers and students and alumni of the Tsinghua University and a great help for Nanjing to attract and bring up high-caliber talents for innovative ventures.